Samara Group

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Community engagement, surveys, public meetings, field work and more in the time of COVID-19

What do you do when the nature of your people-centered work shifts? You find a way to shift with it!

Samara Group’s team is still holding public meetings, coordinating wildlife surveys, conducting community surveys and writing white papers, but we’ve moved online. Our office is closed and the team has transitioned to working from our home offices.

Aside from the occasional self-insert of a pet or kiddo, we are adapting and are here to help our clients and friends adapt too. Thank you to our amazing community of practitioners that are protecting our agriculture and natural resources and responding to the needs of our community during this time.

Adapted services we can provide right now:

> Strategic planning to find ways to adapt your work to an online or social distanced environment

>Hosting secure video conference calls in lieu of in-person meetings

> Creating online feedback tools to measure your progress

> Website & online content development

> COVID-19 responsive field work